Holy CommunionParish Profile: Plaquemine Rector Search (pdf)

The Church of the Holy Communion in Plaquemine, Louisiana, is a small church with many of the large church advantages.  Our congregation is a closely-knit family oriented group with a median age of approximately fifty years old. Members are friendly and willing to take initiative and work cooperatively.

Our church origination dates back to 1844 and has a rich history.  We have been an active, contributing part of this community through the years and are financially stable.  We seek a new leader who will promote Holy Communion’s growth and progress, enhance our Sundays with strong preaching skills, be actively involved in pastoral care, and be visibly involved in our community.  We have sketched a picture of who we are and the person we seek who can lead us and the next generation of parishioners.  Perhaps you are that person. We ask that you give this possibility your prayerful consideration.  If you are interested in this position, please contact the Rev. Canon Shannon Manning, Canon to the Ordinary in the Diocese of Louisiana.  smanning@edola.org.

More on Church of the Holy Communion:
Church of the Holy Communion page on this website