Safe Church, Safe Communities

he Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana is committed to welcoming and protecting all people who participate in activities in our parishes and at events sponsored by the diocese. Sexual misconduct on the part of any clergy person, employee or volunteer of any congregation, school or diocesan affiliated organization violates the mission of the Church, is prohibited and will not be tolerated.

The Safe Church, Safe Community courses teach how exploitation and harassment occur, the awareness we need to prevent such occurrences and how to respond, should an incident of exploitation or harassment occur.

New Courses & Decommissioned Courses to be Removed

Documents to Download

Safeguarding Policy

Recognizing and Reporting Abuse and Neglect

Background Checks and Applying for Positions

If your organization has a child care center, please read the Department of Education’s Tutorial of the Child Care Background Check System by clicking here.

All background checks for clergy and youth ministers must go through the diocesan office. Please contact the Tamika Gerhardt ( to begin this process.

All other background checks should be processed through the Praesidium Confidence Package ( A Department of Motor Vehicles check may also be required. Pricing information can be found here: Exhibit D. To enroll your organization, contact Praesidium at 1-800-743-6354 or email Please carefully read the Diocesan Background Check Policy and Background Check Chart to ensure that the correct background checks are being conducted.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I enroll in training?

1. Go to
2. Fill in your contact information including First Name, Last Name, Email Address, and desired Password.
3. Enter the appropriate registration code for your organization (Please contact your organization’s Safe Church Minister or contact the Lauren Dunn at
4. Click Validate to confirm registration code.
5. Click the checkbox to agree to the Terms & Conditions.
6. Click Redeem.
7. Write down your user login and password for future reference.
8. Answer the Registration Questions about your status and role within the organization.
9. Click Save & Continue.
10. To begin taking training immediately, scroll down and click a course to start the content.

How do I begin training?

New Courses & Decommissioned Courses to be Removed

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your user login and password.
  3. Scroll down to Safe Church, Safe Communities and click a course to start the content.

How often do I need to renew this training?

Every three years.

Is there a cost to be trained?


How do I know if I need to be trained?

Please review this chart: Safe Church, Safe Communities Training Chart

In addition to this training, do I also need a background check? 

Please review this chart: Safe Church Background Check Chart

Yes.  In addition to this training, a criminal record check and sex offender registry check may be required in any state where the trainee has resided during the prior seven years. A DMV check may also be required. Background checks should be renewed every six years. For more information, contact the Safe Church Minister at your organization.

How do I report an incident?

Please click here for more information.