First Woman to Be Elected Bishop in The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana

The Rev. Canon Shannon Rogers Duckworth was chosen XII Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana during a special convention on May 14, 2022, at Christ Church Cathedral, New Orleans. She was elected on the 1st ballot after attaining a majority of both clergy and lay votes. The election concludes the year-long process of seeking a successor for Bishop Morris King Thompson, Jr. who began his service in the diocese in 2010 and will retire in October 2022.
Duckworth is the first woman to be elected bishop in the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana. She was one of two nominees. The other nominee was the Rev. Frederick DuMontier Devall IV, rector of St. Martin’s Episcopal Church, Metairie.
A native of Mississippi, Duckworth, is currently serving as the canon to the ordinary of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana. She received her BA in English and History in 1997 from Millsaps College. She was ordained a priest in 2001 after graduating from The General Theological Seminary. She has previously served as curate at St. John’s Episcopal Church, Ocean Springs, Mississippi; vicar at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Lexington, Mississippi; chaplain at St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Jackson, Mississippi; and associate rector of St. James’ Episcopal Church, Jackson, Mississippi. She is married to James Duckworth and has two sons, Nicholas and Tucker. More about Bishop-elect Duckworth.
Addressing the assembly, Duckworth said, “I am humbled and grateful to accept your call as the 12th bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana. First of all, I want to thank you, clergy and laity, the people of this diocese. Over the past months, you have shared with me your vision and hopes. I thank you for your encouragement and energy. You inspire me and I will hold with great care the trust that you instilled in me. I love doing this work with you and I am excited about the future that stands before us.”
At the conclusion of her address, Duckworth said, “As I close, I invite you to pray. Pray for me, my family, and each other. Pray for your churches, for this diocese, and for our communities. May the Holy Spirit shape us, mold us to be the people the Diocese of Louisiana is called to be. Now, it is time to look forward, to draw on our tremendous strengths, face our challenges, and lean into our future. With God’s grace, the light of Christ will shine brightly here in this church we all love so much.”
Watch the full acceptance address here.
Pending consent of a majority of the bishops with jurisdiction and the diocesan standing committees, Duckworth will be ordained and consecrated on November 19, 2022, at Christ Church Cathedral, New Orleans. Presiding Bishop Michael Curry will preside.