The Feast of Hilary, Bishop of Poitiers, marked a very special day for the congregation at Trinity Episcopal Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Trinity Church welcomed guests, congregants, and clergy to the Celebration of New Ministry service on Tuesday, January 13, 2014. The Right Reverend Morris K. Thompson, Jr. presided over the institution and induction of the Reverend Sharon A. Alexander as its eighth and first female Rector.
The joyful service included many components that made the night memorable for all. Trinity’s talented chorus, under the direction of Elvia Parsons, provided moving musical accompaniment. The Reverend Canon Shannon R. Manning’s thoughtful and reflective sermon allowed the Trinitarians to get a glimpse of the treasure they were receiving in their new Rector. Lastly, representatives from the Day School, Episcopal School, Church ministries, and area clergy presented special gifts that reflect her new role at Trinity Church.
The celebration continued at a reception. Guests enjoyed an assortment of sweet and savory treats. The church community extends gratitude and thanks to all of those who helped make Trinity’s new Rector’s institution and induction a reality.